CLAW 25 at the I-X Center
Registration Info
April 16 - April 20 , 2024
I-X Center, Cleveland, OH
All CLAW 25 at the I-X Center
All Packages include more than 100 events, exhibitors and In/Out daily parking.
Attendee Package
Must be purchased by Jan 31, 2025
Pricing Effective April 14, 2025
Optional Meal Add-Ons
CLAW 25 at the I-X Center
I-X Center and Host Hotels
I-X Center
La Quinta Inn & Suites
11-minute drive to the I-X CenterCourtyard Cleveland Independence
17-minute drive to the I-X CenterHotel RL
11-minute drive to the I-X CenterLocker Rentals at the I-X Center - $45 for the weekend
$45 for the weekend. Includes charging station access .
During each day of your locker rental, you will have unlimited access to your locker during the daily event hours.
Individual locker dimensions are 11” wide, 13 ½” high, and 18” deep.
With multiple-day locker rentals, you can safely leave your items in your locker overnight at the event venue.
After completing your online locker reservation, you will receive an email and text message 12 hours before the event providing your locker location, locker number, and lock combination.

Attendee Package Includes:
- In/Out parking for the weekend
- 80+ Skills & Education Sessions
- Huge Leather VendorMart
- BDSM Demo Area
- Fetish Speed Dating
- Silent Auctions with 100's of Listed Items
- Kinky Art Show and Sales Counter
- Dozens of Socials
- Pet/Pup and Handler events
- Kinky Kabaret
- Four days and nights with 1,000's of Kinksters
- Check the Schedule of Events for more details
VIP Package Includes:
- All listed for Attendee packages
- In/Out weekend parking
- All meals with reserved seating
- Access to Hospitality Suite
- Separate VIP registration lounge
- President's Reception Invitation
- Reserved seating for classes (must be booked 24hrs in advance)
- Welcome bag
- Includes 4-day Locker Rental - No need to sign up, its all done for you
Limited-Access Passes:
Available during the week of the event
Day Passes (includes night events): $150 per day for Fri or Sat. $80 for Sun.
CLAW After Dark (After 7PM): $20/night includes BDSM Demo Area and Dance Parties
Volunteer Packages
Nearly half the people at CLAW are volunteers! Many serve in a leadership or specialized role. It is their passion and dedication that contributes to the success of CLAW and we are so grateful for their support and to be a part of this community.
MEET NEW PEOPLE! Volunteer this year (even if you buy an attendee package) for an experience to remember.
Volunteer Options:
Volunteer shifts range between 4-5 hours each.- Three-point Volunteer: Pay $1 (non-refundable)
- Two-point Volunteer: Pay $89
- Super Volunteers (6-8 points, includes shared lodging): Contact Us
- Recruited/Leadership Volunteer: $1 (non-refundable) View Needs
Failing to check in and check out of your shifts will result in additional charges
In addition to all the benefits of the Attendee Package, volunteers receive access to food, beverages, and camaraderie throughout the day in the Volunteer Hospitality Suite (or meal voucher).
PICK YOUR SHIFTS: When registering for a volunteer package, you pick the day, time and job area of your volunteer shifts. Simply add them to your cart.
NOTE: Specialty Volunteers (presenters, managers, DJs, bootblacks, photographers, entertainers, ASL interpreters, cashiers) are entitled to a discounted volunteer package and will get a registration code from the coordinator of their team.
Volunteer Pre-Registration closes April 13, 2025. After this date, all Volunteer Registrations (first time, return volunteers, and special recruited volunteers) must register on site. Please come to the I-X Center to register and be assigned volunteer shifts.
For questions regarding volunteering, check out the Volunteer FAQ.